Martha Graham & Greek Myth
‘Martha Graham and Greek Myth’ is a unique presentation/ project combining classical philology and the art of modern dance to highlight Greece’s cultural heritage and to underscore the immense influence of the ancient Greek civilization on arts and culture worldwide. Each presentation integrates live dance performances into an engaging and informative talk. Dr. Papathanasopoulou, Classics professor at College Year in Athens (CYA), creates and presents an overview of Martha Graham’s technique and vision; examines Graham’s approach to Greek mythology and her use of Greek tragedy and epic; and focuses on the myth of Oedipus and Jocasta and the chthonic deities, the Furies. Penny Diamantopoulou, renowned Graham technique and repertory instructor in Athens, in collaboration with the Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance in New York teaches and restages excerpts Graham’s dances, Clytemnestra and Night Journey, which are performed by professional dancers from Greece.
Starts at 21:00
Ticket prices: 12 Euros, Students, Seniors (over 65) and Persons with disabilities: 10 Euros.
Buy your ticket from www.ticketservices or Apollon Theater
Organized by Evgenia Papathanasopoulou